FamilyBoost: Information for ECE Providers

What is FamilyBoost?

  • FamilyBoost is a new childcare payment that will be made to eligible households, to help with the costs of early childhood education (ECE) incurred after the 20 Hours Free and MSD Childcare Subsidy have been taken into account.

  • It’s a retrospective lump sum payment.

  • It’s available on a per household (rather than per child) basis.

  • Households can only claim once in a three-month period.

What do you need to do to make sure families attending your centre will be able to access FamilyBoost?

From 1 July 2024 your invoices will need to include the following information to help caregivers claim FamilyBoost.

Your invoices need to show the following detail about your ECE:

  • Name

  • Service address

  • Licence number

  • IRD or GST number

Your invoices will also need to show the:

  • Full name of the bill payer (person who will be claiming FamilyBoost)

  • Full name(s) of the child or children the invoice is for

  • Date the invoice is issued

  • Period covered by the fees

  • Final amount invoiced after any other subsidies or donations have been removed.

Optional charges and service fees should be included in the final amount invoiced. FamilyBoost is based on fees charged rather than fees paid.

Inland Revenue is likely to do random integrity checks on invoices. As long as the invoices you provide contain all the information required then there will be no need for you to do anything further.

More information

You can find further information about FamilyBoost on the IRD website.

TIP: While we are on the topic of invoicing, this is your friendly remember that it is good financial management to keep track of debtors and to chase up late payers routinely.

If you have a question based on your specific circumstances, please get in touch with your CT Advisor.


Sarah Miskell, Director


This article contains general information only and based on information available at the date of publication. You should obtain advice for your personal circumstances.


Provisional Tax Instalment 28th August


FamilyBoost: Information for Parents and Caregivers